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Crime Types of Red Suburbs

Crime Classification Standard

While there is Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC), most state police departments don’t follow it in their crime reporting. Even more, every state police department in Australia reports crimes differently and has own classification in place.

While some use classifications based on ANZSOC, most police departments don’t. As result Red Suburbs have to convert regional classifications into a unified standard.

This page describes Crime Classification Standard used by Red Suburbs and individual crime types. Our standard is based on Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) of Victoria offence classification, which in turn based on ANZSOC.

Australian Bureau of Statistics logo

A: Crimes against person

“Crimes against person” refer to offences that directly harm or threaten the physical or emotional well-being of an individual. These crimes include acts such as homicide, assault, battery, sexual offences, kidnapping, and robbery. The defining characteristic of these crimes is that they involve direct physical harm or the threat of harm to the victim, distinguishing them from crimes against property or society. The impact on the victim’s body, safety, and mental health is a primary concern in the prosecution and punishment of these offences.

Homicide and related offences


Murder; Attempted murder; Accessory or conspiracy to murder; Manslaughter; Driving causing death

Assault and related offences


Serious assault; Assault police, emergency services or other authorised officer; Common assault;

Sexual offences


Rape; Indecent assault; Incest; Sexual offences against children; Other sexual offences;

Abduction and related offences


Abduction; False imprisonment; Slavery and sexual servitude offences;



Aggravated robbery; Non-Aggravated robbery;

Blackmail and extortion


Blackmail; Extortion;

Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour


Stalking; Harassment & private nuisance; Threatening behaviour;

Dangerous and negligent acts endangering people


Dangerous driving; Neglect or ill treatment of people; Throw or discharge object endangering people; Other dangerous or negligent acts endangering people;

Other crimes against the person


Added by Red Suburbs. When some states don’t specify crime details, they go into this category.

B: Property and deception offences

“Property and deception offences” encompass crimes that involve the unlawful taking, damaging, or deception related to someone’s property or assets. These offences include theft, burglary, fraud, embezzlement, vandalism, and arson. The central element of these crimes is the intent to deprive the owner of their property through deceit, force, or destruction. Unlike crimes against person, property and deception offences primarily focus on the loss or damage to tangible or intangible property, financial loss, and breaches of trust, often causing significant economic impact and undermining public confidence in financial and property security.



Cause damage by fire; Cause a bushfire; Other fire related offences;

Property damage


Criminal damage; Graffiti; Other property damage offences;

Burglary/Break and enter


Aggravated burglary; Non-aggravated burglary;



Steal from a motor vehicle; Steal from a retail store; Theft of a bicycle; Receiving or handling stolen goods; Fare evasion; Other theft;

Motor Vehicle Theft


Extracted from Theft (B40) by Red Suburbs due to importance of the offence and many states reporting it separately.



Forgery and counterfeiting; Possess equipment to make false instrument; Obtain benefit by deception; State false information; Deceptive business practices; Professional malpractice and misrepresentation; Other deception offences;



Bribery of officials

C: Drug offences

“Drug offences” involve violations of laws regulating the possession, use, distribution, manufacture, and trafficking of controlled substances. These crimes include possessing illegal drugs, manufacturing or cultivating drugs, and distributing or selling them. The focus is on controlling substances that can lead to abuse and harm, with enforcement aiming to reduce the availability and societal impact of illicit drugs.

Drug dealing and trafficking


Drug dealing; Drug trafficking;

Cultivate or manufacture drugs


Cultivate drugs; Manufacture drugs; Possess drug manufacturing equipment or precursor;

Drug use and possession


Drug use; Drug possession;

Other drug offences


Other drug offences

D: Public order and security offences

“Public order and security offences” involve acts that disrupt public peace, safety, and order. These include rioting, disorderly conduct, vandalism, trespassing, and terrorism-related activities. The aim is to protect the community’s well-being and ensure societal stability by preventing behaviours that threaten public safety, infringe on community standards, or incite violence and unrest.

Weapons and explosives offences


Firearms offences; Prohibited and controlled weapons offences; Explosives offences;

Disorderly and offensive conduct


Riot and affray; Drunk and disorderly in public; Offensive conduct; Offensive language; Criminal intent; Disorderly conduct;

Public nuisance offences


Privacy offences; Hoaxes; Begging; Defamation and libel; Improper movement on public or private space; Other public nuisance offences;

Public security offences


Immigration offences; Sabotage; Hacking; Terrorism offences; Other public security offences;

E: Justice procedures offences

“Justice procedures offences” involve acts that obstruct or interfere with the administration of justice. These include perjury, contempt of court, bail violations, witness tampering, and obstructing law enforcement. The focus is on maintaining the integrity of legal processes and ensuring that justice is fairly and efficiently administered, protecting the legal system from manipulation and misconduct.

Justice procedures offences


Escape custody; Fail to appear; Resist or hinder officer; Pervert the course of justice or commit perjury; Prison regulation offences; Other justice procedures offences;

Breaches of orders


Breach family violence order; Breach intervention order; Breach bail conditions; Breach of other orders;

F: Other offences

“Other offences” encompass crimes that do not fit neatly into standard categories.

Regulatory driving offences


Drink driving; Drug driving; Speeding offences; Parking offences; Licensing offences; Registration and roadworthiness offences; Other regulatory driving offences;

Transport regulation offences


Public transport; Aviation regulations offences; Maritime regulations offences; Pedestrian offences; Other transport regulation offences;

Other government regulatory offences


Betting and gaming offences; Commercial regulation offences; Liquor & tobacco licensing offences; Pornography and censorship offences; Intellectual property; Prostitution offences; Other government regulatory offences;

Miscellaneous offences


Environmental offences; Public health and safety offences; Cruelty to animals; Dangerous substance offences; Other miscellaneous offences;

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