Stat | Value | Description |
16,493 | Population of the suburb from ABS 2021 Census |
5.91 km2 | Area size of the suburb in square kilometres |
700 | Total number of crimes in the suburb |
42.44 | Total number of crimes per 1000 people |
58 | Total number of violent crimes in the suburb (homicide, assault, sexual assault, robbery, etc...) |
479 | Total number of property crimes in the suburb (arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc...) |
per 1000 people |
3.52 | Total number of violent crimes per 1000 people |
per 1000 people |
29.04 | Total number of property crimes per 1000 people |
Violent Crimes |
60.8% | Number of suburbs with less violent crimes |
Property Crimes |
74.3% | Number of suburbs with less property crimes |
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 249 reported cases of Theft.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 96 reported cases of Burglary/Break and enter.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 77 reported cases of Property damage.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 58 reported cases of Drug dealing and trafficking.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 57 reported cases of Motor Vehicle Theft.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 52 reported cases of Assault and related offences.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 42 reported cases of Transport regulation offences.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 17 reported cases of Deception.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 16 reported cases of Other crimes against the person.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 15 reported cases of Disorderly and offensive conduct.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 9 reported cases of Weapons and explosives offences.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 6 reported cases of Robbery.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 3 reported cases of Public nuisance offences.
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes there were 3 reported cases of Miscellaneous offences.
1 in 284
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes your chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime is 1 in 284
1 in 131
In 2023 in QLD your chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime is 1 in 131
1 in 95
In 2023 in Australia your chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime is 1 in 95
1 in 34
In 2023 in Varsity Lakes your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in 34
1 in 22
In 2023 in QLD your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in 22
1 in 28
In 2023 in Australia your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in 28
Varsity Lakes suburb is ranked 10/100 in Australia by number and severity of crimes proportionate to population, where 0 means no crime.
Varsity Lakes suburb could be considered safe area. Crime exists but does not impact most people.
The top crime types in Varsity Lakes are Theft, Burglary/Break and enter, Property damage.
249 Theft cases were reported in Varsity Lakes in 2023.
Crime in Varsity Lakes has increased by 7.69% from 2022 to 2023.
There were no Homicide and related offences cases in Varsity Lakes in 2023.
The data is based on annual 2023 data from state police departments and population data from the 2021 ABS Census. Rank is calculated for crimes weighted by severity and proportionate to population.
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